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Restore Your Confidence With Fuller-Looking Hair

Get scalp hyperpigmentation services in Garden Grove, CA

Hair loss doesn’t have to be a point of insecurity for you. At Kim Van Aesthetics in Garden Grove, CA, we can give you the appearance of a full head of hair through our scalp hyperpigmentation services. We can tattoo directly on your scalp to create a natural-looking hairline or fill in gaps in your crown. 


Whether you’re dealing with hair loss due to aging or a condition, we can help. Call us today to arrange scalp hyperpigmentation services.

Trust us to provide tailored scalp hyperpigmentation services

If you come to us for scalp hyperpigmentation services, our experienced doctors and aestheticians can make your vision for your hair a reality. Before starting your treatment, we’ll discuss your goals to make sure we deliver the results you’re looking for. 

Get in touch with us today to discuss your scalp hyperpigmentation needs.

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